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American Canyon, CA – An update to the ongoing case against Brad Rowell, a former American Canyon High School teacher accused of sexually abusing a student, has brought forth new charges. Allegations involving a second student have surfaced, leading to an amended criminal complaint filed by the Napa County District Attorney’s Office.

Second Victim Comes Forward Adding to Sexual Abuse Charges Against Coach Rowell

The amended complaint identifies the second victim as Jane Doe 2 and adds three counts of lewd acts upon a child against Rowell. Additionally, a new felony charge of contact with a minor for sexual offense has been filed, involving the previously identified Jane Doe 1, a 16-year-old student at American Canyon High School.

Allegations Span Multiple Jurisdictions

According to the complaint, Rowell allegedly committed lewd acts with Jane Doe 2 between August 2008 and January 2010 in Stanislaus County, when the victim was under the age of 14. The Napa County District Attorney’s Office obtained permission to handle the case involving offenses across multiple jurisdictions, as permitted by California law.

Protective Order Issued

Coinciding with the amended complaint, a related criminal protective order was filed against Rowell on June 4 in Napa County Superior Court. The order identifies a 28-year-old woman as the protected individual, though details regarding her relationship with Rowell have not been disclosed.

Ongoing Legal Proceedings Against Former CA PE Teacher

Rowell, a former physical education teacher and track-and-field coach, remains incarcerated at the Napa County jail in lieu of $250,000 bail following his arrest in April. He has pleaded not guilty to all allegations, and his defense attorney, Amanda Bevins, declined to comment on the new charges.

The case continues to unfold, with the Napa County District Attorney’s Office pursuing justice for the alleged victims.

Learn more about the first victim and initial charges against Rowell: 

American Canyon High School PE Teacher, Brad Rowell, Accused of 21 Felony Sex Crimes Against Student

Legal Perspective: Holding Negligent Parties Accountable

To provide further context on the legal implications of this case, we spoke with Mike Pfau, an experienced California school sex abuse lawyer, about the rights available for those sexually abused by a PE teacher or coach and how to hold negligent parties accountable.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Mike, can you explain the legal avenues available for victims of sexual abuse by a teacher or coach?

Mike Pfau, Esq.: Absolutely. Victims have the right to pursue civil lawsuits against the perpetrator and any negligent third parties, such as the school district or organization that employed the abuser. These lawsuits can seek compensation for damages, including pain and suffering, counseling expenses, and more.

LB: What constitutes negligence in these cases?

MP: Negligence can include failing to properly vet employees, ignoring warning signs or complaints, or inadequate supervision and safety protocols. Schools and organizations have a duty to protect children in their care.

LB: How can victims hold these negligent parties accountable?

MP: By filing a civil lawsuit, victims can demand accountability and compensation from not only the abuser but also any negligent third parties. This process can bring to light systemic failures and prompt necessary changes to prevent future abuse.

LB: What would you advise victims or their families considering legal action?

MP: Seek experienced legal counsel specializing in these cases. They can guide you through the process, protect your rights, and fight for the justice and compensation you deserve. Don’t hesitate to speak up and hold all responsible parties accountable.

Take Action and Seek Justice

For victims of sexual abuse by teachers, coaches, or other authority figures, the road to healing and accountability can be daunting. However, by exercising their legal rights and holding all responsible parties answerable, survivors can find a measure of closure and contribute to preventing future tragedies. If you or a loved one has experienced such abuse, we encourage you to contact us for a confidential, no-obligation consultation. Our team of compassionate legal professionals will listen to your story, advise you on your options, and fight tirelessly to secure the justice you deserve.


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