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Former Jacksonville Youth Baseball Coach, Julio Acosta Morgado aka JC, Facing Child Sex Crime Charges
Abuse Guardians
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Jacksonville, FL – A former local youth baseball coach, Julio Acosta Morgado, appeared in court on July 8, 2024, for his final pretrial hearing before his upcoming trial. Morgado was arrested in January and charged with sex crimes against children in two Florida counties, including Duval County, where he is currently being held in jail, and Orange County.

Local FL Baseball Trainer Arrested for Allegedly Sexually Abusing Multiple Children

According to the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, the former youth baseball trainer, also known as JC, was arrested and is facing multiple counts of sexual battery and lewd or lascivious molestation in Duval County, FL. The arrest report indicates that in November 2023, a victim came forward alleging that Acosta Morgado had sexually battered him several times and forced him to commit sex acts.

Detectives then spoke with a second victim, also in November, who claimed that Acosta Morgado had fondled him during a training session in late 2020. The arrest report states that both victims told detectives their training sessions with Acosta Morgado ended with a massage.

Potential Charges in Orange County

The Orange County Sheriff’s Office released a statement saying they had been alerted by the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office that Acosta Morgado may have committed similar acts in Orange County. The sheriff’s office in Orange County confirmed that Acosta Morgado, who also went by the name “JC,” had lived in the Windermere area from 2015 to 2019 and that they are expecting to file charges very similar to the ones he is facing in Jacksonville.

Acosta Morgado’s Baseball Coach and Personal Trainer Business

According to the arrest report, Acosta Morgado’s current address is in Jacksonville. Deputies also stated that Acosta Morgado “might have a business” called JC Acosta Sports, though there is no indication that the business was registered with the state.

Ongoing Investigation to Identify Any Additional Victims

Acosta Morgado is currently being held without bond at the Duval County jail and is due back in court in late February. Detectives are concerned that there may be other victims who have not yet come forward and are urging them to reach out to the authorities.

Empowering Victims: Exploring Legal Options for Survivors of Coach-Perpetrated Sexual Abuse

In the wake of the disturbing allegations against former youth baseball coach Julio Acosta Morgado, our team sat down with experienced Florida child sexual abuse lawyer Michael Haggard to discuss the legal rights available for the victims and how to hold negligent parties accountable. Haggard’s experience in this complex and sensitive area provides valuable guidance for survivors navigating the legal system and seeking the justice they deserve.

Attorney Laurence Banville: Thank you for joining us today. Can you share your perspective on the legal options available for the victims in this case against the former youth baseball coach?

Attorney Mike Haggard: Absolutely. The victims in cases like this may have the right to seek civil damages against not only the perpetrator but also any negligent parties, such as the baseball organization or school that employed them, if they failed to properly screen, train, or supervise him. These entities can be held liable for enabling the abuse to occur.

Banville: That’s an important point. Can you elaborate on the types of damages the victims may be able to recover?

Haggard: Victims of child sexual abuse can seek compensation for a wide range of damages, including medical expenses, therapy costs, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and even lost earning potential if the abuse has long-term impacts on their lives. In cases where the organization’s negligence is proven, punitive damages may also be awarded to punish the negligent party and deter similar future misconduct.

Banville: What advice would you give to the victims or their families in terms of taking legal action?

Haggard: My advice would be to act quickly and consult with an experienced child sexual abuse attorney. The legal process can be complex, and victims need strong representation to ensure their rights are protected and they receive the maximum compensation possible. An attorney can also help navigate the emotional toll of the legal proceedings and ensure the victims receive the necessary support and resources.

Banville: Thank you, Michael, for providing this valuable insight. It’s clear that the victims in this case have important legal options to pursue justice and accountability.

Haggard: You’re welcome. I hope this information helps the victims and their families understand their rights and the legal avenues available to them. Holding perpetrators and negligent parties accountable is crucial in these cases, both for the victims’ healing and to prevent future abuse.

Ensuring Child Sex Abuse Victims Receive the Support They Need

It is crucial that the child sex abuse victims and their families know they have options to seek justice and closure. Michael Haggard emphasized the importance of acting quickly and consulting an experienced child sexual abuse attorney who can protect their rights and secure the maximum compensation possible. Our team is dedicated to supporting survivors through every step of the legal process and ensuring they receive the resources and care they need to heal. If you or someone you know has been impacted by coach-perpetrated sexual abuse, we encourage you to reach out to us for a free and confidential consultation. We are here to listen, provide guidance, and fight tirelessly to hold all responsible parties accountable.


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