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Baltimore City Schools Teacher, Mustafa Pitts, on Administrative Leave from REACH! Partnership, After Allegations of Child Rape
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BALTIMORE, MD – A Baltimore City Schools math teacher has been arrested on charges of rape. Mustafa Pitts, a 46-year-old resident of Baltimore, is now facing multiple serious charges, including second-degree rape, sex abuse of a minor, and assault, according to court documents. Pitts teaches math at REACH! Partnership School located at 2555 Harford Rd, Baltimore, MD 21218, however, the victim is said to be a family member.

Baltimore Math Teacher Arrested and Charged With Second-Degree Rape

According to the statement of charges, Pitts was arrested at his residence on February 3 after an adult contacted the police and reported the crime. The victim, who is identified as a minor family member, revealed shocking details to investigators. The court documents state that Pitts instructed the victim to remove her clothes before engaging in sexual intercourse with her. Disturbingly, the victim disclosed that this abuse has been occurring for the past five years.

Baltimore City Schools Place Teacher on Administrative Leave Following Arrest

A reliable source has confirmed that Mustafa Pitts works as a math teacher at REACH Partnership, a Baltimore City Public High School. Pitts, who has been employed by Baltimore City Public Schools (City Schools) since August 2021, has been immediately placed on administrative leave from his position at The Reach! Partnership School following his arrest.

High School’s Response and Commitment After Teacher Charged with Raping a Child

In response to the shocking allegations, a spokesperson for Baltimore City Public Schools issued a statement expressing their commitment to the safety and well-being of students and staff. They assured the public that City Schools will closely monitor the criminal proceedings against Pitts. They emphasized that safety remains a fundamental pillar of their educational mission and that they are dedicated to protecting the welfare of their students and staff.

BPD Investigating Child Sexual Abuse Allegations and Potential Additional Victims

The Baltimore Police Department (BPD) spokesperson has confirmed their active participation in the ongoing investigation. However, due to the investigation’s open status, they were unable to provide further details at this time. The police department’s involvement aims to ensure there are no additional potential victims connected to this case.

Mustafa Pitts is scheduled to appear in court for his preliminary hearing on March 5, 2024. As the legal process unfolds, the community anxiously awaits the pursuit of justice and hopes that any potential additional victims will come forward.

Maryland Sexual Abuse Lawyer on Civil Cases for Victims Abused by School Teachers

In a recent development following the arrest of a Baltimore City Schools teacher for the rape of a minor family member, we spoke with Aaron Blank, Esq., a Maryland sexual abuse lawyer, about the potential recourse for victims who have suffered abuse by school teachers. Aaron discussed the options available to victims seeking justice through civil cases against liable parties.

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): Thank you for joining us, Aaron. In cases like these, where victims have endured such harrowing experiences, what actions can they take in pursuing civil cases against those responsible?

Aaron Blank, Esq. (AB): It’s a difficult situation for the victims, but civil litigation can provide them with an avenue to seek justice and compensation for the harm they have endured. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for child abusers to have multiple victims. The power dynamics and access to vulnerable individuals can create an environment where the abuse can continue unnoticed. In cases like these, it is crucial to thoroughly investigate and uncover any potential additional victims who may have suffered at the hands of the same teacher.

LB: Who are the potential parties that victims can hold accountable in civil cases involving abuse by school teachers?

AB: When it comes to abuse by school teachers, there are several potential parties who may be held liable. The teacher directly responsible for the abuse is typically the primary target. Additionally, the school district, administrators, and even individual staff members who were aware of the abuse or failed to take appropriate action may be held accountable. It’s important to thoroughly investigate the circumstances to identify all potentially liable parties.

LB: What kind of compensation can victims pursue in these civil cases?

AB: Victims of teacher abuse can seek various types of compensation through civil litigation. This may include damages for physical and emotional pain and suffering, medical expenses, therapy costs, loss of future earning capacity, and other related losses. Each case is unique, and the compensation sought will depend on the specific circumstances and the extent of the harm suffered by the victim.

LB: Are there any time limitations or legal complexities victims should be aware of when pursuing civil cases?

AB: Yes, there are time limitations known as statutes of limitations that govern how long victims have to file civil lawsuits. It’s crucial for victims to consult with an experienced child sex abuse attorney as soon as possible to ensure they meet these deadlines. Additionally, civil cases involving abuse by school teachers can be legally complex, so having a knowledgeable attorney by your side is essential to navigate the legal process effectively.

LB: Thank you, Aaron, for sharing your insights on this important matter. Your information will undoubtedly help victims seeking justice and closure.

Survivors of School Sex Abuse Are Not Alone! Contact Us for a Free Consultation

As victims of abuse by a teacher grapple with the aftermath of these disturbing events, it is crucial for them to understand their legal options. If you or a loved one has been a victim of abuse by a school teacher, it is important to remember that you are not alone in this journey towards justice. Our team of compassionate legal professionals is here to provide support and guidance during this difficult time. We understand the complexities involved in civil cases against liable parties and are dedicated to helping victims and their families seek the justice they deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, where we can discuss your case, answer your questions, and work together to pursue the legal recourse available to you. Remember, you have the right to seek justice, and we are here to advocate for you every step of the way.

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