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Pompano Beach, FL – Dr. David Rerko, a 61-year-old anesthesiologist from Lighthouse Point, Florida, was arrested on Thursday morning,  September 12, 2024, during a traffic stop in Pompano Beach, FL. The Broward Sheriff’s Office has charged Rerko with 11 felony counts related to the possession and distribution of child sexual abuse material.

Investigation and Arrest of Local FL Anesthesiologist on Child Porn

The arrest came after the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received a tip from Yahoo about illicit images and videos uploaded to an email account. Subsequent investigation revealed that Rerko had allegedly emailed himself 122 files of child sexual abuse material and 117 files described as “child erotica”.

Detectives found that the emails containing the illegal content were signed “David Rerko, MD” at the bottom. The abusive material reportedly depicted girls between the ages of 8 and 13.

Legal Proceedings and Bail Conditions for Doctor Accused of Possessing Child Pornography

Rerko appeared in court on Friday, where a Broward judge set his bond at $110,000. If he posts bond, Rerko is required to wear a GPS monitor, have no contact with minors, surrender his passport, and is prohibited from accessing the internet.

Professional Consequences After Dr. Rerko Arrested

At the time of his arrest, Rerko was working as an anesthesiologist at Broward Health North. He has been a licensed physician in Florida since 2006 and is also licensed to practice in Mississippi.
Broward Health released a statement expressing dismay at the situation and confirming that Rerko’s privileges have been revoked. The healthcare system stated, “Upon learning the nature of the charges, we immediately notified his employer that the physician’s privileges were revoked and that he is not permitted on any of our properties”.

Ongoing Investigation to Identify Victims and Additional Charges

Authorities seized Rerko’s iPhone during the traffic stop, and detectives have indicated that additional forensic analysis will be conducted on several of Rerko’s other devices. This investigation may lead to additional charges.

As of Friday, Rerko remained in custody at the Broward Sheriff’s Office Main Jail.

Legal Recourse for Child Victims of Doctor Sex Abuse

The recent arrest of a South Florida anesthesiologist on child exploitation charges has brought the issue of sexual abuse by medical professionals into sharp focus. As communities grapple with the implications of such cases, questions arise about the legal rights of young victims and the accountability of institutions. To address these concerns, we spoke with Jen Lipinski, a seasoned sexual abuse attorney based in South Florida. In this interview, Lipinski offers valuable information on the legal options available to child victims and their families, as well as strategies for holding negligent parties responsible. Her insights provide a roadmap for those seeking to navigate the complex legal landscape surrounding these sensitive cases.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Ms. Lipinski, what legal rights do child victims have in cases of sexual exploitation by doctors or anesthesiologists?

Jen Lipinski, Esq.: Child victims have the right to pursue both criminal and civil cases. While the criminal justice system focuses on punishing the offender, civil lawsuits allow victims to seek compensation for damages. This can include costs for therapy, pain and suffering, and other long-term effects of abuse.

Banville: How can negligent parties be held accountable in these situations?

Lipinski: Beyond the individual perpetrator, hospitals, medical practices, or other institutions may be liable if they failed to properly screen, supervise, or respond to complaints about the accused. We often investigate whether there were any warning signs that were ignored or if proper safeguards were not in place.

Banville: What advice would you give to families affected by such cases?

Lipinski: I urge families to report suspicions immediately and seek legal counsel early. There are often time limits for filing civil claims, though many states have extended these for child sexual abuse cases. It’s also crucial to secure all potential evidence and work with experienced attorneys who understand the complexities of these sensitive cases.

Banville: Thank you for sharing your expertise, Ms. Lipinski.

Lipinski: You’re welcome. It’s important for victims and their families to know they have options and support available.

Reach Out for Support and Legal Guidance If Your Child Was Exploited By a Doctor

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual exploitation, it’s important to seek help. Victims and their families deserve support and guidance during this challenging time. Our team is here to provide compassionate legal assistance and answer any questions you may have. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your options and take the first step toward healing and accountability. You are not alone in this journey; we are here to help you every step of the way.


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