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Pompano Beach, FL – A Palm Beach County pastor is at the center of a sexual assault investigation that has expanded beyond the initial allegations. Pheguel Pierre Louis, 40, leader of the New Jerusalem Church in Riviera Beach, was arrested in August 2023 on charges of sexual battery against a 23-year-old parishioner.

Pastor Accused of Sexually Assaulting Woman

According to statements given to Palm Beach County sheriff’s deputies, Pierre Louis visited the woman’s home, claiming he had a disturbing dream about her. He offered to pray over her, but their accounts diverge on what happened next. While Pierre Louis maintains he only “laid hands” on her forehead, the woman alleges he instructed her to undress, applied oil to her body, and sexually assaulted her.

Legal Proceedings and Plea Deal

Pierre Louis was initially charged with sexual battery. However, through a plea deal, he ultimately pleaded guilty to felony battery. The judge withheld adjudication, allowing Pierre Louis to avoid a felony conviction, prison time, and registration as a sex offender. Instead, he received five years of probation.

Ongoing Investigation and Search for Additional Victims

Despite the resolution of the initial case, the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office continues to investigate Pierre Louis. Detectives have identified a second potential victim, reportedly the sister of the first accuser, who alleges a similar assault in spring 2022.

The Sheriff’s Office has issued a public request for information, believing there may be additional victims within the church community. They urge anyone with relevant information to contact Special Investigations Detective Clifton Hamilton.

Church Fails to Respond to Allegations of Sexual Abuse by Pastor

As of March, Pierre Louis was listed as the vice president of Eglise Evangelique De La Nouvelle Jerusalem, according to Florida Department of State records. His social media activity suggests he continues to lead services at the church.

Pastor’s Response to Accusations of Sexual Assault

When contacted for comment, Pierre Louis denied any inappropriate behavior and expressed frustration with the ongoing investigation, stating, “Even though I explained this situation the way it was, nobody wanted to believe me.”

As of October 14, 2024, no new charges have been filed against Pierre Louis. The investigation remains active as authorities seek to uncover any potential additional incidents.

Legal Recourse for Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse

The recent allegations against Pastor Pheguel Pierre Louis have brought the issue of clergy sexual abuse back into the public eye. As communities grapple with the aftermath of such cases, questions arise about the legal rights of victims and the accountability of religious institutions. To address these concerns, we spoke with Jen Lipinski, a seasoned Florida attorney specializing in sexual abuse litigation. In this interview, Jen Lipinski offers valuable information on the legal options available to victims and explains how negligent churches can be held responsible for their actions or inactions. Her insights provide a roadmap for those affected by clergy sexual abuse and underscore the importance of legal advocacy in these sensitive cases.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Ms. Lipinski, what legal options do victims sexually abused by pastors have?

Jen Lipinski, Esq.: Victims who have been sexually abused by pastors have several legal avenues available to them. They can pursue criminal charges against the abuser, which may result in imprisonment and sex offender registration. Additionally, victims can file civil lawsuits against both the perpetrator and the church organization for damages.

Banville: How can negligent churches be held accountable in these cases?

Lipinski: Churches can be held liable for negligence if they failed to take reasonable steps to protect children under their care. This includes inadequate screening of employees, failure to investigate abuse allegations, or covering up known incidents of abuse. Victims can sue churches for negligent hiring, supervision, or retention of abusive clergy members.

Banville: Are there any time limitations for filing such lawsuits?

Lipinski: Many states have extended or eliminated statutes of limitations for child sexual abuse cases, recognizing that victims often need time to process their trauma before coming forward. However, specific time limits vary by state. In some jurisdictions, victims can file civil claims decades after the abuse occurred.

Banville: What advice would you give to victims and their families?

Lipinski: I urge victims and their families to report abuse to law enforcement immediately. They should also seek professional counseling and consider contacting an experienced attorney who can guide them through their legal options. It’s important to remember that victims have rights, including the right to seek justice and compensation for the harm they’ve endured.

Reach Out for Support and Guidance

If you or a loved one has been affected by clergy sexual abuse, it’s important to know that you are not alone. Victims have rights, and there are legal avenues available to seek justice and accountability. We encourage you to reach out for help. Our team is here to provide support and guidance through this challenging time. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us help you navigate your options and take the first step toward healing.


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