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Ricardo Cruciani, Sexual Abuse Lawsuits Filed in New York and Pennsylvania By Patients
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Pain Management Doctor Ricardo Cruciani Facing Multiple Charges of Sexually Assault From Women

According to The New York Times, 63-year-old Ricardo Cruciani has been charged with sexually assaulting multiple victims as a former pain management physician. Cruciani worked at many hospitals from 2002 to 2017, including Beth Israel Medical Center, located at 10 Union Square E #5p, New York, NY 10003. Other medical facilities included Capital Health Hospitals in New Jersey and Drexel University in Philadelphia.

Federal Criminal Charges Filed in New York For Alleged Assaults

Cruciani was arrested on Wednesday, October 20, 2021, after federal criminal charges were filed in New York. He has been charged with luring women across the state line in order to exchange sexual activity for medication. Victims allege that the doctor knew of their “severe and excruciating if not debilitating pain” when he would begin treatment and establish a relationship. He would refill the highly addictive pain medication, but in exchange, the patients had to return to see him in person for refills. It was at these times that Cruciani allegedly would demand sexual favors or deny the refill.

One former patient alleged that she requested to change doctors but was forced to see Cruciani in person to retrieve her medical records. On arrival, the victim reported that she was sexually assaulted.

When Was Ricardo Cruciani’s Medical License Removed?

In 2017, Cruciani’s medical license was taken away. He pleaded guilty to charges of sexual assault in Pennsylvania and was forced to register as a sex offender.

Can Victims of Sexual Assault Sue A Doctor?

Attorney Laurence Banville is an experienced sexual assault attorney licensed in the state of New York. For years, Laurence has represented victims of sexual assault and their families in civil lawsuits. Recently, he answered if victims can sue for being sexually abused by a doctor.

“Most patients assume they can trust medical professionals with not only their medical concerns but with their overall well-being. They expect to receive compassionate care as they receive the doctor’s professional treatment. However, some doctors abuse this position of trust in order to satisfy their predatory gratifications.”

Ricardo Cruciani Sexual Abuse Lawsuit

“Unfortunately, this reality happens all over the country, but these heinous actions are not without recourse. Laws are in place to regulate doctors and medical professionals to prevent such misconduct from taking place against patients. Patients who have suffered sexual assault at the hands of their doctors or other medical professionals should know they have the right to sue based on negligence.”

“State licensing boards can penalize medical professionals directly, suspending or even revoking their medical licenses. However, each victim has a right to seek justice by filing a civil lawsuit against the medical professional and possibly the medical facility. If a medical facility was aware of previous misconduct but did not report the abuse, they could be liable for allowing it to continue.”

“Victims sexually assaulted by a medical professional are highly encouraged to gain the counsel of an experienced sexual assault attorney to determine their best legal options. Victims and their families may even be entitled to compensation.”

Former Patient of Ricardo Cruciani Tells Her Story

As reported by the New York Times, Hillary Tullin, a former patient of Cruciani states: “…I have longed for the day he would be held accountable for his heinous crimes”. The former patient was under the care of Cruciani at Beth Israel, Capital Health, and Drexel.

Legal Case Options For Survivors Of Abuse

As a law firm with lawyers licensed in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and New York, our attorneys are situated with the legal experience to answer your questions. If you or a loved one suffered abuse at the hands of Ricardo Cruciani, and you would like a free legal consultation, then call our law office today.

Summary Of Complaints Against Ricardo Cruciani

An indictment filed by the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York on October 21, 2021 outlines the investigation and complaint against Cruciani for his inappropriate behavior at several medical institutions over 15 years. As a pain doctor, Cruciani gave patients opioids and other prescriptions during the course of their treatments. As reported in the counts, Cruciani allegedly sexually assaulted patients and abused his power which has given rise to the claims.

Sources & Reports:

New York Times: “Pain Doctor Accused of Sexually Assaulting Patients Faces New Federal Charges”, October 20, 2021.

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