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Clayton, IN – Quinton Harris, a former wrestling coach and substitute teacher at Ben Davis and Cascade high schools, has been arrested on serious allegations of child seduction. The 27-year-old was apprehended at a residence in Plainfield on Monday, August 12, 2024, and is currently being held without bond at the Hendricks County Jail. He faces two felony counts related to child seduction by a childcare worker, stemming from accusations involving a 17-year-old Cascade High School cheerleader in 2022.

Investigation Uncovers Disturbing Allegations of Child Sexual Abuse

The investigation into Harris began on July 5, when Avon police detective Joseph Davi was notified about a delayed report of child seduction. The victim, who met Harris in 2021 while she was a cheerleader and he was a wrestling coach, disclosed that their relationship included inappropriate sexual conduct. Harris worked at Cascade from November 2021 until February 2023, also serving as a substitute teacher for the girl’s French, Spanish, and AP literature classes.

High School Wrestling Coach’s Denial and Admission During Police Interview

During a police interview, Harris initially denied knowing the girl but later acknowledged their relationship, claiming he believed she was 18 at the time. The investigation revealed that their text conversations became increasingly inappropriate, with the girl expressing discomfort about the progression of their interactions. She ultimately decided to come forward due to concerns about potential future victims.

School District Responds to Allegations of Coach’s Sexual Relationship with Student

In light of the arrest, Jim Diagostino, superintendent of the Mill Creek Community School Corporation, addressed parents with a message expressing deep concern over the allegations. He emphasized the district’s commitment to fully cooperating with law enforcement and reassured the community about the safety of students. Diagostino also highlighted the availability of school counselors for any students needing support during this troubling time.

Legal Pathways for Victims of Sexual Abuse in Schools

In the aftermath of the arrest of former coach Quinton Harris on charges of child seduction, questions arise about the legal rights of students who have been victims of abuse by educators. We sat down for a conversation with Jeff Gibson, an experienced Indiana sexual abuse lawyer, to explore the legal options available to these students and the mechanisms for holding schools accountable for negligence. Jeff provided clarity on how victims can seek justice and ensure safer environments in educational institutions.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Thank you for joining us. Can you tell us about the legal rights available to students who have been sexually abused by a coach or teacher?

Jeff Gibson, Esq.: Certainly, Laurence. Students who have experienced such abuse have several legal avenues to pursue justice. They can file civil lawsuits against the perpetrator for damages related to the abuse. These cases often seek compensation for emotional distress, therapy costs, and other related expenses. Additionally, victims may have the option to pursue criminal charges, which can result in the offender facing jail time and being registered as a sex offender.

Banville: How can schools be held accountable if they were negligent in preventing such abuse?

Gibson: Schools can be held liable if it is found that they failed to take reasonable steps to protect students. This includes not conducting proper background checks or ignoring warning signs of inappropriate behavior. Victims can file lawsuits against the school district for negligence, arguing that the institution did not fulfill its duty of care to protect students. Successful claims can lead to changes in school policies and procedures to prevent future incidents.

Banville: Are there any specific challenges victims face when bringing these cases forward?

Gibson: Yes, there are several challenges. Victims often face emotional hurdles and fear of retaliation or disbelief. Legally, they may encounter difficulties in proving negligence or establishing a direct link between the school’s actions and the abuse. However, with the right legal support and evidence, these challenges can be overcome, and justice can be served.

We’re Here to Help: Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has experienced sexual abuse in a school environment, it’s vital to know that support is available. Our dedicated team is ready to listen and provide the guidance you need to navigate this challenging time. We invite victims and their families to reach out for a free consultation, where we can discuss your rights and the steps you can take to seek justice. Remember, you don’t have to face this alone; we are here to help you every step of the way.


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