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Elementary school children in classroom listening to teacher.
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Tacoma, WA – Jordan Henderson, a 34-year-old former elementary school teacher and pastor, is back behind bars after allegedly violating the conditions of his release. Henderson was initially arrested in April on nine counts of child molestation, with three of his own students among the alleged victims.

Investigation Launched Following Student’s Report of Inappropriate Touching

The Pierce County Sheriff’s Department (PCSD) initiated an investigation on February 26 after a student reported an alleged incident of molestation or groping by a teacher at Evergreen Elementary School, located at 1632 Key Peninsula Hwy SW, Longbranch, WA 98349. Detectives promptly began their inquiry, leading to swift action by the school district.

Teacher Arrested for Groping Children

During the ongoing investigation, the Peninsula School District removed the accused teacher, 34-year-old Jordan Henderson, from his position at Longbranch Elementary School. On April 18, following the execution of a search warrant at Henderson’s Gig Harbor residence, he was arrested on charges of first-degree child molestation and booked into Pierce County Jail.

Sexual Misconduct Allegations Span Multiple School Years

According to the survivor’s attorney, Kevin Hastings, the alleged abuse occurred over the course of two school years, 2022-2023 and 2023-2024, while the victim was in fourth and fifth grades. Hastings raised concerns about potential warning signs being overlooked.

Questions Arise About School District’s Awareness

Hastings suggested that at least one teacher had previously raised concerns about Henderson’s interactions with children. The attorney also noted that Henderson would have small groups of girls in his classroom during lunchtime, which could be seen as a potential grooming technique.

District Superintendent Responds to Teacher’s Arrest

Peninsula School District Superintendent Krestin Bahr issued a statement emphasizing the district’s commitment to student safety and well-being. Bahr assured the community that the allegations stand in stark opposition to the district’s values.

Church Expresses Support for Deacon Accused for Molesting Children

Henderson, who has been employed in education for approximately a decade, also held a position as a deacon at Wellspring Fellowship Church. The church posted a statement on Facebook expressing confidence in Henderson’s character and offering support to him and his family.

As the investigation continues, the community grapples with the unsettling allegations against a once-trusted educator. The case serves as a stark reminder of the importance of vigilance and proper protocols in educational settings to protect vulnerable students.

Legal Pathways for Victims of Teacher Sexual Abuse: Experienced Child Sex Abuse Attorney’s Perspective

In the aftermath of the disturbing allegations against Pierce County teacher Jordan Henderson, questions arise about the legal rights of the victims and others who have experienced sexual abuse by an elementary school teacher. Attorney Laurence Banville sat down with experienced child sexual abuse lawyer Mike Pfau to discuss the legal options available for those affected and the steps needed to hold responsible parties accountable.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: What recourse do victims have when sexually abused by a teacher?

Mike Pfau, Esq.: Students who are sexually abused by a teacher can file a civil lawsuit against the teacher, the school district that employed them, and any administrators who failed to protect the students from the abuse. Both the perpetrator and the negligent third parties can be held liable.

Banville: How can school districts be held accountable?

Pfau: If the school district knew or should have known about inappropriate behavior by the teacher but failed to take action, they can be considered negligent. Evidence that they ignored complaints or transferred a predator teacher would demonstrate negligence.

Banville: What damages can victims pursue?

Pfau: Victims can seek compensation for emotional distress, psychological counseling, lost earnings potential, and other damages. In egregious cases with a clear cover-up, punitive damages against the district are also possible.

Support and Legal Guidance for Victims and Families

The trauma of sexual abuse can have long-lasting effects on victims and their families. If you or a loved one has experienced sexual abuse by a teacher or other school employee, remember that you are not alone. Our team of compassionate and experienced attorneys is here to help you navigate the legal process and fight for your rights. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss your case and explore your options. Don’t hesitate to reach out – your voice matters, and we are here to listen and support you every step of the way.


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