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Fort Lauderdale, FL – A 23-year-old man has admitted to sexually abusing a young girl while working at a charter school in Broward County, Florida. The shocking case has sent ripples through the local community and raised questions about school safety.

Charter School Employee Accused of Child Sex Abuse

Bryam Salas, a former janitor at New Life Charter Academy in Fort Lauderdale, confessed to sexually abusing a student he believed to be around 8 years old. The abuse reportedly took place in a school restroom during Salas’ employment at the academy.

Teacher Reports Sexual Abuse Allegations Against Janitor

The abuse at New Life Charter Academy came to light when a young girl confided in her social studies teacher about the incidents. The teacher promptly reported the disclosure to the authorities, initiating a police investigation on November 6, 2023. According to the police report, the abuse occurred between September and October 2023, with the suspect, Bryam Salas, admitting to the acts during his employment as a janitor at the school.

Child Sexual Assault Charges and Legal Proceedings Against School Employee

Salas faces multiple serious charges, including two counts of lewd and lascivious molestation of a victim younger than 12 and one count of lewd and lascivious conduct. A judge has ordered Salas held without bond on the molestation charges, with an additional $100,000 bond set for the lewd and lascivious conduct charge.

Janitor’s Confession to Sexually Abusing Student in School Bathroom

During his confession, Salas reportedly told police: “I know what I did was wrong, but like at the same time I know I didn’t do something that’s drastic enough to ruin that little girl’s life, which I probably did, but not really to a point where I am like hurting her or wanting to hurt her.”

FL Charter School’s Response to Janitor’s Arrest

New Life Charter Academy has confirmed that Salas is no longer employed at the school. The institution will likely face scrutiny over its hiring and supervision practices in the wake of this incident.

Ongoing Investigation to Determine If Additional Victims

As the case unfolds, authorities may examine whether there are additional victims or if any school policies contributed to the abuse. The community awaits further updates as the legal process moves forward.

Experienced Child Sex Abuse Attorney Weighs In on Charter School Abuse Case

The recent confession of a former charter school employee to sexually abusing a young student has raised serious questions about school safety and accountability. As families grapple with the aftermath of such traumatic events, understanding the legal landscape becomes paramount. To address these concerns, we spoke with Jen Lipinski, a seasoned Florida child sex abuse lawyer. In this interview, Ms. Lipinski offers valuable information on the legal rights available to victims of abuse in charter schools and explains how negligent parties can be held responsible. Her insights provide a roadmap for affected families seeking to navigate the complex legal process and advocate for their children’s well-being.

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): What legal options are available for victims of sexual abuse at charter schools?

Jen Lipinski, Esq. (JL): Victims and their families can file civil lawsuits against the school, its administrators, and other responsible parties. These suits can seek compensation for medical expenses, therapy costs, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the abuse.

LB: How can negligent parties be held accountable in such cases?

JL: Schools have a duty to protect students. If they fail to conduct proper background checks, ignore warning signs, or neglect to implement adequate safety measures, they can be held liable. This may include the school board, principal, or even the company managing the charter school.

LB: What advice would you give to families affected by such incidents?

JL: I urge families to report abuse immediately to law enforcement and seek medical and psychological care for the victim. Then, consult with an experienced attorney who can guide them through the legal process and help protect their rights.

LB: Thank you for sharing this information. It is important that victims of school sex abuse understand they have legal rights to seek justice.

Support and Legal Guidance for Victims and Families

Experiencing sexual abuse or learning that your child has been victimized can be overwhelming. Remember, you’re not alone in this difficult journey. Our team of compassionate and experienced attorneys is here to support you every step of the way. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss your case, explain your legal options, and help you make informed decisions about moving forward. Don’t hesitate to reach out – your voice matters, and we’re here to listen and fight for your rights. Contact us today to schedule your no-obligation consultation and take the first step toward healing and justice.


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