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A priest in a confessional booth, looking at the camera
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Waco, TX – Father Anthony Odiong, a Catholic priest, has been indicted by a grand jury in McLennan County, Texas on multiple felony sexual assault charges. The indictment, issued on Thursday, September 12, 2024, includes two counts of second-degree sexual assault and one count of first-degree sexual assault. Odiong served at St. Peter Catholic Student Center in Waco and St. Mary’s Church of the Assumption in West, Texas from 2007 to 2012. He later served in Luling, Louisiana from approximately 2015 to 2023.

Texas Priest Arrested for Sexually Abuse Charges

Odiong was arrested in July in Ave Maria, Florida, where investigators discovered child pornography in his possession while probing sexual assault allegations. The Waco Police Department had been investigating Odiong for months following “credible information” about a sexual assault allegedly committed in 2012.

Multiple Victims Come Forward Alleging Priest Abuse

During the investigation, Detective Bradley DeLange uncovered at least eight women who claim Odiong groped, sexually assaulted, or financially abused them. One victim reportedly sought Odiong’s counsel for marital issues. Under Texas law, clergy members engaging in sexual activity with individuals dependent on them for emotional or spiritual guidance can be charged with sexual assault.

Legal Proceedings and Potential Consequences

Currently held on a $2.5 million bond in McLennan County Jail, Odiong faces up to 20 years in prison for each second-degree charge and potentially life imprisonment for the first-degree felony charge. His legal representation has not yet responded to requests for comment.

Diocesan Response to Priest’s Arrest

Bishop Joe S. Vásquez of the Diocese of Austin has stated the diocese will fully cooperate with law enforcement. The Archdiocese of New Orleans, where Odiong also served, reported him to law enforcement and removed him from ministry upon learning of the allegations.

Legal Recourse for Clergy Abuse Victims

The recent indictment of Father Anthony Odiong on multiple sexual assault charges has brought the issue of clergy abuse back into the spotlight. As victims come forward and legal proceedings unfold, many are left wondering about the rights and options available to those who have suffered abuse at the hands of religious leaders. To address these concerns, we spoke with Anjali Nigam, a seasoned Texas attorney specializing in sexual abuse cases. In this interview, Ms. Nigam offers valuable information on the legal avenues open to victims, the process of holding negligent parties accountable, and the importance of timely action in seeking justice.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Ms. Nigam, what legal rights do victims of clergy sexual abuse have in Texas?

Anjali Nigam, Esq.: Victims of clergy sexual abuse in Texas have several legal options. They can pursue criminal charges against the perpetrator, which we’re seeing in this case. Additionally, victims can file civil lawsuits against the abuser, the church, and other parties who may have been negligent in preventing or addressing the abuse.

Banville: How can victims hold negligent parties accountable?

Nigam: In civil cases, victims must show that the church or other parties failed to take reasonable steps to protect them. This could include inadequate background checks, failure to respond to previous complaints, or improper supervision. Successful lawsuits can result in compensation for the victims and often prompt institutional changes to prevent future abuse.

Banville: What advice would you give to victims considering legal action?

Nigam: I would urge victims to speak with an experienced attorney who can guide them through their options. It’s important to understand that there are time limits for filing lawsuits, known as statutes of limitations. However, in cases with multiple victims, as we see here, these limitations may be extended. Seeking legal counsel promptly can help preserve their rights and options.

Reach Out for Support

If you or a loved one has experienced sexual abuse, it’s vital to know that you are not alone and support is available. Our team is dedicated to helping victims navigate their legal options and find the justice they deserve. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation, where we can discuss your situation in a safe and confidential environment. Together, we can take the necessary steps toward accountability and healing.


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