Was Tonja Stovall Fishcer Listed in SBC Abuse Investigation?
Tonja Stovall Fischer, a Nueces County teacher, was convicted in 2002 of sexually assaulting a 16-year-old student. She was sentenced to ten years of probation and community service. According to the Texas Public Sex Offender Registry, she is a sex offender living in San Antonio.

Southern Baptist Convention 2022 Report
According to the Washington Post, a 300-page report was launched on Sunday, May 22, 2022. The file contains terrible brand-new details relating to specific abuse occurrences and sheds light on how denominational officials actively resisted abuse avoidance and reform for decades.
Southern Baptist Convention leaders have actually revealed a substantial and independent third-party investigation that found that abusers were often ignored, forgotten, or perhaps criticized by high-level church leaders from within this religious denomination of greater than 16 million members. In addition, it exposed these leaders typically deceived their own members to avoid them from understanding the flagrant sexual misconduct.
Continue reading about the Southern Baptist Convention 2022 Report
A Past of Overlooked Misconduct
For almost 20 years, survivors who were sexually abused sought to speak with the administration of the Southern Baptist Convention in relation to the preachers and congregation staff members. Just about all of these reported occurrences fell beyond the SOL, making it unclear how many sexual predators were actually charged. According to the report, an internal record was kept. However, victims’ cries for justice went unnoticed as leaders from churches and organizations attempted to shield themselves instead of those who have actually been victimized by sexual abuse.
One victim described being treated with animosity as she alleged she was sexually assaulted by a youth pastor. The implicated pastor served in multiple Southern Baptist churches in numerous states. During a conference with the SBC leaders in 2007, a member of the Exec Committee “turned his back to her during her speech and another chortled.”
Responsibility in the Southern Baptist Church
The report states that a key Southern Baptist official was credibly accused of sexual abuse only one month after completing his two-year spell as the convention’s president. The report also names three prior presidents of the convention, a former vice president, and the previous head of the SBC’s administrative division as prominent SBC leaders who assisted in covering and even encouraged suspected abusers.
He desires this report will bring much-needed change and hold those accountable for their actions.
For more information about resources and therapists for survivors in Missouri, visit our page: https://abuseguardian.com/sexual-assault-lawyer/texas/sex-trauma-therapist-tx/

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