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Abuse Guardians
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Washington D.C., Georgetown – A former security guard at Hardy Middle School located at 1819 35th St NW, Washington, DC 20007, has been arrested and charged with sexually abusing a student seven years ago. According to police reports and an arrest affidavit filed in court, the victim, now 21 years old, walked into the 3rd District police station on January 28, 2024, to report the alleged abuse.

Former DC Middle School Guard Arrested For Alleged Child Sex Abuse

The accused security guard has been identified as Shaquille Rashaun Jones, currently aged 30 and residing in Upper Marlboro, Maryland, in Prince George’s County. The police apprehended Jones on Friday and charged him with two counts of first-degree child sexual abuse. Following his arrest, a judge released him and scheduled a preliminary hearing for March 7. The court documents do not specify an attorney representing Jones, and attempts to reach him have been unsuccessful thus far.

Details of the Alleged Abuse with Former Student

According to the arrest affidavit, the victim informed the police that Jones began working at Hardy Middle School when she was in the eighth grade, around the age of 13. The abuse is reported to have taken place between March 1, 2017, and June 30, 2017, when Jones was 24 years old. The victim revealed that Jones had developed a friendly relationship with her, giving her extra attention and even driving her home from school.

The affidavit further states that the victim would frequently meet Jones in his SUV in the school parking lot, where the sexual abuse occurred multiple times per week. In one instance, the victim alleges that Jones drove her to a parking lot for tennis courts in Rock Creek Park, along 16th Street NW, where the abuse took place.

School Security Guard’s Inappropriate Contact with Minor

The victim claimed that she continued to communicate with Jones even after leaving middle school but eventually demanded that he cease all contact with her. The arrest affidavit mentions that the victim encountered Jones at a high school event that had extra security staff. She noticed Jones in an elevated section of the auditorium, seemingly watching her.

Social Media Messages Provided As Evidence

As part of her report, the victim turned over images of message exchanges between her and Jones over Instagram, providing additional evidence for the investigation.

Response from D.C. School System and Police Statement

Although the incident occurred seven years ago, the D.C. school system confirmed that Jones ceased working for the agency in 2018. However, the school system was unable to provide further details regarding his departure. The D.C. police released a news statement on Saturday announcing the arrest, but they did not initially disclose the connection between Jones and the school.

Further Investigation After Child Abuse Allegations

With the preliminary hearing scheduled for March 7, the legal process will continue to unfold. Meanwhile, authorities are investigating the matter thoroughly, aiming to uncover any additional information or potential victims.

This distressing case highlights the importance of reporting incidents of abuse promptly and the need for vigilance in safeguarding the welfare of students. The victim’s courage in coming forward after all these years serves as a reminder that justice can be sought even after a significant amount of time has passed.

As the investigation progresses, law enforcement agencies will work diligently to ensure that justice is served, and additional measures will likely be implemented to prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future.

Child Abuse Attorney Discusses Civil Options for Victims of School-Related Abuse

In the wake of a disturbing case involving a former school security guard charged with sexually abusing a student, it is crucial to shed light on the legal avenues available for victims seeking justice. In an exclusive interview, child abuse attorney Laurence Banville, based in Washington, D.C., provides valuable insights into the civil options victims have when pursuing legal action against liable parties. Learn about the steps victims can take and the potential parties that can be held accountable in cases of school-related abuse.

Legal Examiner (LE): Today, we have the privilege of speaking with child abuse attorney Laurence Banville, a prominent Washington, D.C. sexual abuse lawyer. Thank you for joining us, Mr. Banville. In light of the recent case involving a school security guard charged with sexual abuse, could you provide some insights into what victims abused by such individuals can do in terms of pursuing a civil case against liable parties?

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): Thank you for having me. It’s crucial to emphasize that victims of sexual abuse by school employees, including security guards, have legal options to seek justice through civil litigation. These cases can hold both the abuser and the responsible parties accountable for their actions.

LE: What parties can be held liable in such cases?

LB: In situations like these, there are several potential parties that could be held liable. The school itself may be held responsible if it failed to properly screen or supervise its employees or if it ignored warning signs or reports of misconduct. Additionally, depending on the circumstances, the school district, administrators, or even other staff members who were aware of the abuse but failed to take appropriate action could also be held accountable.

LE: How does a civil case differ from criminal charges?

LB: While criminal charges focus on holding the perpetrator accountable through the criminal justice system, a civil case is a separate legal process that seeks to provide compensation and support for the victim. A successful civil lawsuit can help survivors obtain financial compensation for medical expenses, therapy costs, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the abuse.

LE: What steps should victims take if they believe they have a civil case?

LB: It’s crucial for victims to reach out to an experienced attorney who specializes in sexual abuse cases. A skilled attorney can guide them through the legal process, gather evidence, and build a strong case. It’s also important for victims to preserve any evidence, such as messages or photographs, that may support their claims. Additionally, they should document any physical or emotional injuries resulting from the abuse and seek appropriate medical and therapeutic assistance.

LE: Are there any time limitations for filing a civil case in these situations?

LB: Yes, there are statutes of limitations that vary by jurisdiction. It’s important for victims to consult with an attorney as soon as possible to understand the specific time limits that apply to their case. In some instances, there may be exceptions to these limitations, such as when the abuse was suppressed or when the victim was a minor at the time of the abuse.

LE: Thank you, Mr. Banville, for shedding light on this important topic and providing valuable information for victims seeking justice.

Free Consultation: Contact Us for Support and Guidance in Seeking Justice

If you or your loved ones have been victims of school-related abuse, we understand the pain and trauma you have endured. Our dedicated team of child sex abuse attorneys is committed to providing compassionate support and expert guidance throughout the legal process. Our experienced team, including child abuse attorney Laurence Banville, is here to listen to your story, answer your questions, and help you pursue the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, and let us stand by your side as you seek healing and accountability.

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