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Nogales, AZ – Southern Arizona OB-GYN, Dr. Marco Saucedo, is continuing to practice at his medical office located at 490 N Carondelet Dr, Nogales, AZ 85621, despite facing sexual assault charges. The charges, which were filed earlier this month, stem from complaints dating back almost six years to the Arizona Medical Board (AMB).

Discovery of Multiple Complaints of Sexual Assault Against Dr. Saucedo

The AMB’s investigation began when a patient filed a sexual abuse complaint in late 2022. During the course of the investigation, the board uncovered a second complaint that had been filed with the Nogales Police in 2018. Dr. Marco Saucedo currently faces a total of five charges related to these two patients.

AZ Gynecologist Permitted to Continue Practice Despite Sex Abuse Charges

During a summary review board meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 20, Saucedo’s attorney, Michele Thompson, informed the AMB that Saucedo has been practicing with a chaperone accompanying him for each patient. Thompson emphasized that Saucedo has fully cooperated with the board’s investigation and has already been adhering to the requirement of having a chaperone present.

OB-GYN Accused of Sexually Assaulting Two Patients During Exam

The first complaint against Saucedo was received by the board in April of the previous year. The patient alleged that Saucedo sexually abused her at a community health center in December 2022. The subsequent investigation revealed the second complaint made to the Nogales Police in April 2018, with a patient accusing Saucedo of sexual assault. Charges were not filed in the 2018 case due to insufficient new evidence.

Arizona Medical Board Investigates Sexual Assault Accusations

The AMB’s investigation extended throughout the rest of the year. As part of the process, Saucedo agreed to undergo a psychosexual evaluation to determine whether he posed a threat to others. The evaluation concluded that Saucedo was currently safe to practice medicine, leading to the board’s decision.

Felony Charges Against Local Nogales Gynecologist

Despite the evaluation’s findings and Saucedo’s cooperation, he now faces felony charges in relation to both the 2018 and 2022 complaints. The charges include sexual assault, sexual abuse, and misdemeanor assault. Saucedo, who denies the allegations, has not been convicted, and there has not yet been a probable cause hearing to determine if the charges can proceed.

Saucedo must sign an agreement with the AMB within 24 hours of the board’s decision to avoid the risk of license suspension. Thompson highlighted Saucedo’s prompt compliance with all requirements thus far. His initial court appearance is scheduled for next week, where the charges against him will be further addressed.

Learn More About Civil Cases for Victims of OB-GYN Abuse

In light of recent developments regarding an OB-GYN facing sexual assault charges in southern Arizona, Attorney Laurence Banville spoke with Arizona-based doctor abuse lawyer Kevin Biniazan, to shed light on what victims of abuse during OB-GYN exams can do to pursue civil cases against liable parties.

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): Thank you for joining us, Kevin. Given your experience handling cases related to sexual abuse, could you provide some insights into the options available for victims who have experienced abuse during OB-GYN exams?

Kevin Biniazan, Esq. (KB): Certainly, Laurence. Victims of abuse during OB-GYN exams may have legal recourse through civil cases against the liable parties involved. These cases aim to seek justice for the victims and hold the responsible individuals accountable for their actions.

LB: What are some common grounds for filing civil cases in such situations?

KB: Victims can pursue civil cases based on various legal grounds, including sexual assault, sexual abuse, medical malpractice, negligence, and breach of duty. It’s important for victims to consult with an attorney who specializes in sexual abuse or medical malpractice to determine the most appropriate legal strategy based on the specific circumstances of their case.

LB: What steps should victims take if they believe they have a valid civil case?

KB: Victims should first seek medical attention to address any immediate physical or emotional harm caused by the abuse. They should then document any evidence they have, such as medical records, photographs, or witnesses’ contact information. It’s crucial to report the abuse to the appropriate authorities and consult with an experienced attorney who can guide them through the legal process.

LB: Are there any time limitations for filing civil cases in Arizona?

KB: Yes, there are statutes of limitations in place, which set a time limit within which victims must file their claims. These limitations vary depending on the nature of the case and the jurisdiction. Therefore, it’s essential for victims to act promptly and consult with an attorney to ensure their rights are protected.

LB: Thank you for sharing this. Victims of OB-GYN abuse need to be aware of their legal options and the importance of seeking justice.

Seek Legal Guidance Today: Contact Us for a Free Consultation

If you or a loved one has been a victim of abuse during an OB-GYN exam, it is important to take action and get the justice you deserve. Our dedicated team of attorneys, including Kevin Biniazan, is here to support you through this difficult journey. We offer a free consultation to discuss your case and provide guidance on the available legal options. Don’t hesitate to reach out to us for compassionate and experienced legal assistance. Your voice matters, and we are here to help you seek accountability and pursue the justice you deserve.

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