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El Paso, TX – A Clarke Middle School math teacher in El Paso has been arrested twice in recent weeks on multiple charges related to sexual abuse of minors. Llojan Almaraz, 28, faces serious allegations stemming from his interactions with students at the Socorro Independent School District (SISD) middle school.

Texas Middle School Math Teacher Arrested Twice on Child Sex Abuse Charges

On September 13, SISD Police arrested Almaraz on charges including:

  • Improper relationship between an educator and student
  • Child grooming
  • Indecency with a child
  • Sexual performance of a child

Almaraz posted bond and was released on September 14, 2024.

Second Arrest and Additional Sex Crimes Charges Against Teacher

Just one week later, on September 20, Almaraz was arrested again by Socorro ISD Police. This time, he faced two counts of online solicitation of a minor. He posted bond and was released the same day.

Details of the Allegations of Teacher Sexual Misconduct

Court documents reveal that the investigation began on August 28 when a school officer received a report of an improper relationship between Almaraz and a student. The victim’s mother reported inappropriate text conversations and live images of Almaraz exposing himself.

Almaraz allegedly used a school-based app called “SportsYou” to initiate contact with a 12-year-old student in October 2023. The communication escalated to explicit text messages and phone calls.

The victim reported two in-person meetings with Almaraz in June, outside her apartment complex. These encounters allegedly involved kissing and touching in the back of Almaraz’s truck.

Evidence of Gifts and Grooming Behavior By Teacher

Court documents indicate that Almaraz sent money to the victim through transfer apps and gave her gifts such as jewelry and action figures. A second juvenile witness reported similar gift-giving behavior, stating she felt she was being “groomed” by Almaraz.

School District Response to Student’s Allegedly Sexually Abused by Teacher

Socorro ISD has placed Almaraz on administrative leave pending the ongoing investigation[4]. The district stated they are unable to release further information at this time.

As the case unfolds, the community awaits further developments in this troubling situation involving a trusted educator.

Legal Pathways for Victims of Teacher Sexual Abuse

The arrest of a Clarke Middle School math teacher in El Paso on multiple charges of sexual abuse involving minors has brought the issue of educator misconduct into sharp focus. As communities grapple with the aftermath of such incidents, questions arise about the legal rights of victims and the accountability of educational institutions. To address these concerns, we spoke with Anjali Nigam, an experienced Texas sexual abuse attorney. Anjali Nigam offered valuable information on the legal options available to victims and their families, as well as insights into how schools and districts can be held responsible for negligence in these distressing situations.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Ms. Nigam, what legal options are available for students who have been groomed and sexually abused by a teacher?

Anjali Nigam, Esq.: Victims have several avenues for legal recourse. They can pursue criminal charges against the perpetrator, which is often handled by the district attorney’s office. Additionally, victims can file civil lawsuits against the abuser and potentially the school district.

Banville: How can schools and districts be held accountable in these situations?

Nigam: Schools and districts can be held liable if they failed to properly screen employees, ignored warning signs, or didn’t respond appropriately to reports of misconduct. Negligence in supervision or failure to implement proper safeguards can also be grounds for legal action.

Banville: What advice would you give to families affected by teacher sexual abuse?

Nigam: I urge families to report any suspicions immediately to law enforcement and school administrators. It’s also crucial to seek support from mental health professionals. Consulting with an experienced attorney can help families understand their rights and the potential for civil action.

Parents Can Reach Out for Support and Guidance

If you or someone you know has been affected by sexual abuse in a school setting, it’s important to seek help. Victims and their families deserve compassionate support and legal guidance during this challenging time. We encourage you to contact us for a free consultation, where our experienced team can provide the assistance you need to navigate the complexities of your situation. You are not alone, and we are here to help you take the necessary steps toward healing and justice.


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