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Miami, FL – A lawsuit filed in Miami on July 11 accuses Irv Gotti, co-founder of Murder Inc. Records, of sexual assault and abuse. The plaintiff, identified only as Jane Doe, alleges that Gotti, 54, subjected her to rape and abuse over a two-year period from 2020 to 2022.

Allegations of Rape and Sexual Abuse Against Hip Hop Music Producer

The lawsuit states that the plaintiff met Gotti through a mutual friend at a poker game in 2020. Following this encounter, Gotti allegedly invited her on a vacation to St. Martin, where he coerced her into sexual activities. The complaint asserts that Gotti threatened to send her home if she did not comply with his demands.

Ongoing Sexual Abuse Claims Spanning Two Years

After returning from the vacation, the plaintiff claims she entered into a relationship with Gotti that lasted until 2022. During this time, she alleges she “suffered constant abuse”. The lawsuit details specific incidents, including forced oral sex in a Miami hotel elevator in January 2022 and another incident of forced oral sex in an Uber in Atlanta later that year.

Psychological Impact and Legal Action Following Sexual Assault

The plaintiff states that the alleged abuse resulted in severe emotional and psychological harm, leading to her commitment to a psychiatric ward. According to the report “She’s suffered a lot,” and noted that the #MeToo movement has empowered more women to share their stories. The lawsuit seeks a jury trial and compensatory damages.

Gotti’s Background and Influence

Irv Gotti, whose legal name is Irving Domingo Lorenzo, is known for his work in the hip-hop industry. He has collaborated with artists such as JAY-Z, Ja Rule, Ashanti, and Kanye West. As of now, Gotti’s representatives have not responded to requests for comment on the allegations.

Legal Recourse for Sexual Abuse Victims in the Music Industry

The recent allegations against Irv Gotti have brought attention to the issue of sexual abuse in the music industry. As victims come forward, questions arise about their legal rights and options for holding perpetrators accountable. To address these concerns, we spoke with Mike Haggard, a seasoned California sexual abuse lawyer. In this interview, Haggard offers valuable information on the legal avenues available to victims and explains how the law can be used to combat sexual abuse in high-profile entertainment circles. His insights provide a roadmap for those seeking to understand their rights and the potential for legal action in such cases.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Mr. Haggard, what legal rights do victims of sexual abuse have in cases involving high-profile music producers?

Mike Haggard, Esq.: Victims have the right to file civil lawsuits against their abusers, regardless of the abuser’s status or influence. These suits can seek compensation for physical and emotional damages, medical expenses, and lost wages.

Banville: How can victims hold negligent parties accountable?

Haggard: Beyond suing the abuser directly, victims may have claims against companies or organizations that enabled or failed to prevent the abuse. This could include record labels, management companies, or venues that knew or should have known about the abusive behavior.

Banville: What advice would you give to someone considering legal action in such cases?

Haggard: I’d urge them to speak with an experienced attorney who specializes in sexual abuse cases. These situations often involve complex legal and emotional issues. A knowledgeable lawyer can guide victims through the process, protect their rights, and help them understand all available options.

Support and Legal Guidance for Victims of Sexual Abuse

If you or a loved one have experienced sexual abuse, remember that you’re not alone. Our team of compassionate and experienced attorneys is here to help. We understand the courage it takes to come forward and the complexities involved in these cases. We offer free, confidential consultations to discuss your situation and explore your legal options. Don’t let fear or uncertainty hold you back from seeking the justice and compensation you deserve. Contact us today to speak with a knowledgeable lawyer who can guide you through the legal process and fight for your rights. Your voice matters, and we’re here to amplify it.


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