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Ocala, FL – A former dean at Vanguard High School in Marion County, FL has been arrested and faces multiple charges related to sexual misconduct involving at least five students. The Ocala Police Department has identified the suspect as 42-year-old Gregory Ramputi.

Disturbing Details Lead to Arrest of Marion County HS Dean

According to reports, the alleged offenses occurred both on and off the school campus over several years. A senior student at Vanguard High School reported to the Ocala Police that Ramputi had inappropriate contact with her and other students multiple times during her high school years. Subsequently, four additional student victims came forward with similar allegations, claiming that Ramputi made inappropriate requests and comments.

Grave Charges Including Sex Acts With Students

Ramputi is currently facing a multitude of charges, including:

  • Five counts of offenses against students by an authority figure
  • Five counts of unlawful sexual activity with certain minors
  • Three counts of traveling to meet a minor
  • Two counts of indecent, lewd, or lascivious touching of certain minors
  • One count of possession of child pornography

Authorities Urge Additional Victims to Come Forward

Ocala officials stated that Ramputi allegedly asked to see and viewed nude photos of a student. Marion County Public Schools officials confirmed that Ramputi started as a teacher at North Marion Middle School in 2014 and transferred to Vanguard High School in 2015. He resigned from his position on May 21st and is no longer employed by the district.

The Ocala Police Department has issued a statement, urging anyone who may have experienced similar behavior from Ramputi to come forward and report it to law enforcement immediately.

Community Outrage and Concern After Dean Accused of Child Sexual Abuse

This shocking case has sent shockwaves through the local community, raising concerns about the safety and well-being of students. Authorities are working diligently to investigate the matter thoroughly and ensure that justice is served.

Legal Recourse for Survivors of School Sexual Abuse

In cases of sexual abuse by deans or school staff, survivors and their families often grapple with immense trauma and a desire for accountability. To provide a deeper understanding of the legal avenues available, we sat down with Mike Haggard, an experienced Florida school sexual abuse lawyer. Our discussion explored the rights of survivors, the potential liabilities of negligent educational institutions, and the process of seeking justice through civil lawsuits.

Laurence Banville, Esq.: Joining us now is Mike Haggard, an experienced Florida school sexual abuse lawyer, to discuss the legal rights available for those sexually abused by a teacher and how to hold negligent parties accountable. Can you provide some insights into this sensitive matter?

Mike Haggard, Esq.: Absolutely, Laurence. Cases involving sexual abuse by teachers or school staff are deeply concerning and traumatic for victims and their families. Survivors have legal options to seek justice and compensation for the harm they’ve endured.

Banville: What are some of the key legal avenues available to survivors?

Haggard: Survivors can pursue civil lawsuits against the perpetrator and potentially the school district or educational institution for negligence in failing to protect students from foreseeable harm. These cases often involve claims of negligent hiring, supervision, or retention of the abusive employee.

Banville: How can negligent parties be held accountable in such cases?

Haggard: Schools and districts have a duty to exercise reasonable care in ensuring a safe environment for students. If they failed to properly vet employees, ignored warning signs, or mishandled reports of abuse, they could be liable for damages suffered by victims. Thorough investigations and evidence gathering are crucial.

Empowering Survivors of School Sex Abuse: Take the First Step

The harrowing ordeal of teacher sexual abuse can leave victims and their families feeling helpless and uncertain about their options. However, it is important to remember that the law provides avenues for seeking justice, healing, and holding negligent parties accountable. If you or a loved one has experienced such a traumatic event, do not hesitate to exercise your legal rights. Contact our firm today to schedule a confidential, no-obligation consultation with our compassionate and knowledgeable legal team. We are here to listen, guide you through the process, and fight tirelessly to protect your interests and ensure that your voice is heard.


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