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Laredo, TX – A former teacher and coach at Antonio Gonzalez Middle School located at 5208 Santa Claudia Ln, Laredo, TX 78043 has been arrested and charged with multiple felonies following allegations of sexual abuse involving a 13-year-old student. According to an arrest affidavit, Adriana Mariel Rullan, 27, had engaged in “sexual intercourse/sexual contact” with the student on at least 12 occasions. The charges against Rullan include improper relationship between educator and student, continuous sexual abuse of a child younger than 14 years old, and indecency with a child by sexual contact.

Discovery of the Alleged Sexual Relationship Between United ISD Teacher and Student

The case came to light when the parents of the 13-year-old boy reported an improper relationship allegation to a United ISD criminal investigator. They had become suspicious after their son had money to pay for items worth about $133. Further investigation revealed that the boy had been receiving money from Rullan through the Cash App. Disturbing text messages and explicit images were also found, indicating the illicit nature of their relationship.

Impact on the Victim Sexually Abused by a TX Middle School Teacher

The revelation of the abusive relationship took a toll on the young student, who ran away and attempted to harm himself when his parents found out. He required medical evaluation and was subsequently admitted to a mental hospital for further assessment and support.

Investigation Details Teacher’s Sexual Encounters During School

During a meeting with the investigator, Rullan admitted to being the boy’s teacher but denied engaging in sexual relations. However, text messages between Rullan and the student provided evidence of improper conversations and sexual encounters. Rullan repeatedly sent money to the boy through the Cash App, further implicating her in the ongoing investigation.

Laredo Teacher Facing Felony Child Abuse Charges

Rullan has been charged with serious felonies, including improper relationship between educator and student, continuous sexual abuse of a child younger than 14 years old, and indecency with a child by sexual contact. She was released on bond shortly after her arrest.

Understanding Your Legal Rights in School Sex Abuse Cases

In the wake of the recent arrest of a TX middle school teacher for alleged sexual abuse of a 13-year-old student, the question of justice for victims and their families becomes paramount. We had the privilege of speaking with child sex abuse attorney Mark Lenahan. Based in Texas, Lenahan has experience representing victims and their families in school sex abuse cases. In this interview, Lenahan shared information to help families pursue civil cases against liable parties.

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): Mark, thank you for joining us. After learning of the recent arrest of a former United ISD teacher, can you explain what options the families of victims in cases like these have when it comes to pursuing civil cases against the liable parties?

Mark Lenahan, Esq. (ML): Thank you, Laurence, for having me. It’s crucial to recognize that victims and their families have the right to seek justice and hold the responsible parties accountable in civil court. In cases of school sex abuse, there are typically multiple avenues available to pursue civil action.

LB: Could you please elaborate on those avenues, Mark?

ML: Certainly, Laurence. First, it’s important to assess potential liability. In instances where a teacher is involved, the school district may bear responsibility for the actions of their employee through a legal concept called “vicarious liability.” Additionally, if there were any negligent hiring, supervision, or failure to respond appropriately to prior complaints, the school district could also be held directly liable.

LB: That’s an important distinction to make, Mark. What steps should the families take when considering a civil case?

ML: The first step is to consult with an experienced attorney who specializes in child sex abuse cases. They can evaluate the circumstances and advise on the best course of action. It’s crucial to act promptly, as there are statutes of limitations that determine how long victims have to file a civil claim.

LB: Are there any challenges that families might face during the process?

ML: Absolutely, Laurence. Pursuing civil cases in school sex abuse claims can be complex and emotionally challenging. Families may face resistance from the school district, encounter difficulties gathering evidence, or navigate complex legal procedures. However, with the guidance of a skilled attorney, they can navigate these challenges and seek justice for their child.

LB: What kind of compensation can families potentially recover through a civil case?

ML: In civil cases, families may seek compensation for various damages, including medical expenses, therapy costs, pain and suffering, emotional distress, and in some cases, punitive damages. The specific circumstances of each case determine the potential compensation.

LB: Thank you, Mark, for sharing your knowledge with the families affected by these tragic situations.

ML: Thank you, Laurence. It’s my duty to advocate for victims and their families and ensure they receive the justice they deserve.

Seeking Justice and Support For School Sex Crimes? Contact Us for a Free Consultation.

If you or your loved ones have been victims of school sex abuse, remember that you are not alone. The path to justice may seem challenging, but with the right legal guidance and support, you can seek the accountability and compensation you deserve. Attorney Mark Lenahan, Esq., and our dedicated team are here to provide compassionate assistance and fight for your rights. Contact us today for a free consultation to discuss your case and explore the legal options available to you. Together, we can work towards healing and achieving justice.

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