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Man Shot in Hip in Accidental Shooting at Bar on East Carson Street
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Pittsburgh, PA – A man is recovering after being shot in the hip at a bar on East Carson Street on Wednesday night, August 16, 2023.

Pennsylvania Bar Shooting: Man Shot in Hip

The shooting occurred at the bar in the 2100 block of E. Carson Street in Pittsburgh, PA just after 10 pm. Police said the victim, a man in his 20s, was shot accidentally by another man.

Police Investigating Shooting at Pittsburgh Bar

The victim was taken to a local hospital in stable condition. Pittsburgh Public Safety said that an initial investigation suggests that another man may have accidentally shot the victim. No other details have been released. VCU is investigating the shooting.

Filing Civil Cases for Injured Victims of Bar Shootings

In the wake of the recent bar shooting in Pittsburgh, attorney Laurence Banville spoke with gun crime attorney Brian Kent, Esq., about what injured victims can do in terms of a civil case. Kent explained that injured victims of bar shootings can file a civil lawsuit against the liable parties, which could include the bar owner, the shooter, or anyone else who was negligent and contributed to the shooting.

Laurence Banville: Hi Brian, thanks for taking the time to speak with me today. I’m writing a news article about the recent bar shooting in Pittsburgh, and I wanted to get your insights on what injured victims can do in terms of a civil case.

Brian Kent: Sure, I’m happy to help. In general, injured victims of bar shootings can file a civil lawsuit against the liable parties. This could include the bar owner, the shooter, or anyone else who was negligent and contributed to the shooting.

Laurence Banville: What are some of the things that victims need to prove in order to win a civil case?

Brian Kent: They need to prove that they were injured, that the shooting was caused by the negligence of the liable parties, and that they suffered damages as a result of the shooting.

Laurence Banville: What types of damages can victims recover in a civil case?

Brian Kent: They can recover for their medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. They may also be able to recover punitive damages, which are intended to punish the liable parties and deter future wrongful conduct.

Laurence Banville: What are some of the challenges that injured victims face in filing a civil case?

Brian Kent: One challenge is that the liable parties may have insurance that will cover their liability. This can make it difficult for victims to recover the full amount of damages they deserve.

Another challenge is that the statute of limitations for filing a civil lawsuit may be short. This means that victims need to act quickly to preserve their right to file a lawsuit.

Laurence Banville: What advice would you give to injured victims who are considering filing a civil case?

Brian Kent: I would advise them to speak with an experienced gun crime attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help them assess their case and determine if they have a viable claim. An attorney can also help them navigate the legal process and represent them in court.

Getting Help from an Experienced Gun Violence Attorney

If you or someone you know has been injured in a bar shooting, it is important to speak with an experienced gun violence attorney as soon as possible. An attorney can help you assess your case and determine if you have a viable claim. An attorney can also help you navigate the legal process and represent you in court.

Our experienced attorneys offer free consultations to all injured victims of gun violence. Please contact us today to schedule a consultation.

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