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Houston Science Teacher Accused of Sexual Relationship with Student and Test Answer Tampering at Memorial High School
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Houston, TX – Stephen Griffin, a science teacher at Memorial High School located at 935 Echo Ln, Houston, TX 77024, is facing felony charges after being accused of maintaining an illicit relationship with an 18-year-old student. According to a criminal complaint filed in Harris County District Court, Griffin allegedly provided test answers and perfect grades to the student while involved in a months-long sexual relationship.

Investigation Into Sexual Relationship Between Memorial High School Science Teacher and Student

The investigation began when the student’s mother reported the compromising relationship to the school administration in November 2023. The female student shared incriminating text messages with the Spring Branch ISD Police, revealing the nature of her relationship with Griffin. The texts indicated that they had engaged in sexual encounters at a hotel and his apartment during the 2022 and 2023 school year.

High School Teacher Allegedly Had Sexual Contact With Student in Classroom

The inappropriate relationship started in September 2022 when the student emailed Griffin asking to have lunch with him in his classroom during his off period. Griffin then provided his personal cellphone number to the student, stating that they had “similar backgrounds” and offering support and someone to confide in. The relationship progressed through text messages, culminating in a sexual encounter at a hotel in November 2022.

According to the student’s account, they continued to meet at the hotel, engaged in oral sex in the teacher’s classroom, and had sex in the back of her car while parked behind a restaurant in Houston. Griffin allegedly provided the student with test answers in advance in addition to giving her perfect scores on all assignments. She also disclosed that he gifted her his staff jacket and a candle with his cologne scent.

The relationship came to an end in midsummer 2023 when Griffin reportedly told the student to stop contacting him as he was attempting to reconcile with his wife.

Alleged HS Sexual Misconduct and Legal Consequences

Under Texas law, an improper relationship between an educator and a student is classified as a second-degree felony, regardless of the student’s age. Griffin could face up to 20 years in prison and $10,000 in fines if convicted.

During the investigation, Spring Branch ISD authorities obtained the student’s phone to search her Snapchat and Signal accounts for further evidence of correspondence with Griffin. One Snapchat message from Griffin, obtained by a digital forensic technician, indicated that he was experiencing suicidal thoughts.

Legal Defense and School Response Following Teacher Sex Crimes Allegations

Griffin’s attorney, Justin Harris, denied the allegations, stating that there was no evidence to support the claims. Harris described Griffin as a model teacher and expressed that these allegations have blindsided everyone. He mentioned that they are exploring potential explanations for the allegations.

The employment status of Griffin at Memorial High School is currently unknown, as Spring Branch ISD officials have not provided immediate information. Griffin is scheduled to appear in court on February 28 to address the charges.

Memorial High School Choir Teacher Arrested For Two-Year Relationship with Student

Read about another teacher at the Houston high school who has been accused of having a sexual relationship with a student.

Seeking Justice: Civil Cases for Victims of High School Teacher Abuse

In a recent interview, Attorney Laurence Banville sat down with Texas sexual abuse lawyer Marc Lenahan, Esq., to discuss the legal options available to victims of sexual abuse by high school teachers. From identifying the liable parties to seeking compensation and justice, Lenahan provided valuable insights and guidance for those who have experienced such traumatic incidents. Victims and their families thinking of filing civil cases can discover the steps to holding responsible parties accountable for school sex abuse.

Attorney Laurence Banville (LB): Thank you for being here, Marc. Given your experience in this area, I would like to discuss what options victims of sexual abuse by a high school teacher may have in terms of pursuing a civil case against the responsible parties. Can you shed some light on this?

Attorney Marc Lenahan (ML): Of course, Laurence. Thank you for having me. When it comes to cases involving sexual abuse by a high school teacher, victims often have the option to pursue a civil case against the liable parties. This can provide them with a means to seek justice and compensation for the harm they have endured.

LB: That’s important to know. Could you explain who the liable parties might be in such cases?

ML: Absolutely. In cases like these, the liable parties could include the teacher involved in the abuse, the school district, administrators, and even potentially others who may have been aware of the abuse but failed to take appropriate action to prevent it. It’s crucial to thoroughly investigate all parties involved to determine their level of responsibility.

LB: That makes sense. In terms of compensation, what types of damages can victims pursue in a civil case like this?

ML: Victims of sexual abuse by a high school teacher may be entitled to various types of damages. These can include compensation for physical and emotional pain and suffering, medical expenses, therapy costs, loss of enjoyment of life, and in some cases, punitive damages. Each case is unique, and the specific damages sought will depend on the circumstances and the impact of the abuse on the victim’s life.

LB: That’s important information for victims to consider. What steps should someone take if they believe they have a civil case against a high school teacher?

ML: The first step is to reach out to an experienced sexual abuse attorney who can provide guidance and support throughout the legal process. It’s crucial to gather evidence, such as any documentation or messages that may substantiate the claims. Additionally, victims should report the abuse to the appropriate authorities, such as law enforcement and school officials, so that a thorough investigation can take place.

LB: Thank you for sharing those steps, Marc. Lastly, what message would you like to convey to victims who may be hesitant about pursuing a civil case?

ML: To victims who may be hesitant, I want to emphasize that they are not alone and that there is help available. Pursuing a civil case can not only provide a sense of justice and validation for what they have experienced but also hold accountable those responsible for the abuse. An experienced attorney can provide support, protect their rights, and guide them through the legal process with compassion and sensitivity.

LB: Thank you, Marc, for your valuable insights and for shedding light on the options available to victims of sexual abuse by high school teachers. Your expertise in this field is truly commendable, and I appreciate you taking the time to join us today.

ML: Thank you, Laurence. It’s been my pleasure to contribute to the discussion and raise awareness about the legal avenues available to victims. Together, we can strive for justice and healing for those affected by such heinous acts.

Free Consultation: Your Path to Healing and Justice Starts Here

If you or someone you know has been a victim of sexual abuse by a high school teacher, remember that you don’t have to face this challenging journey alone. Our compassionate team of attorneys is here to offer support, guidance, and a free consultation to help you understand your legal options. We believe in fighting for the rights of survivors and their families, striving to bring them the justice they deserve. Reach out to us today and take the first step towards healing and seeking the justice you rightfully deserve.

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