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Long Island, New York – A bus driver on Long Island has been indicted by a grand jury on charges of kidnapping and raping a female student passenger, according to prosecutors. The accused, identified as Giovanny Campos, 50, also known as Giovanny Guzman, allegedly sexually assaulted the student repeatedly between January and July. The incidents occurred both on Campos’ bus and at his apartment in Queens, as revealed by Nassau County District Attorney Anne T. Donnelly.

Charges and Plea After Victim Alleges She Was Raped By Bus Driver

The grand jury indictment includes charges of second-degree kidnapping, third-degree rape, two counts of a third-degree criminal sex act, and reckless endangerment. Campos pleaded not guilty on Thursday, and the court set his bail at $150,000 cash, $300,000 bond, and $1.25 million partially secured bond, as stated by prosecutors. If convicted, he could face up to 25 years in prison.

Breach of Trust By HS Bus Driver

District Attorney Donnelly expressed her concern over the alleged actions, stating, “School bus drivers are trusted to transport and protect our children, but this defendant allegedly preyed on a teenage student and sexually abused her both on his bus and at his apartment in Queens.” The charges against Campos highlight a severe breach of trust and the exploitation of a vulnerable individual.

Legal Aid Society and Arrest For Child Sex Abuse

Campos is represented by an attorney from the Legal Aid Society of Nassau County, according to court documents. However, the society could not be reached for comment. The accused was arrested on September 28 by the Nassau County Police’s Special Victims Squad, following an investigation into the matter.

Employment and Termination of Bus Driver Accused of Child Sexual Assault

Campos, who was employed by the Cheese Bus company, was responsible for driving a route from Central High School to North High School in Valley Stream, covering a distance of approximately 3 miles, prosecutors revealed. In response to the allegations, Cheese Bus, Inc. released a statement through its attorney, confirming that Campos has been terminated. The statement expressed the company’s commitment to maintaining safety and security within the community, stating, “This individual is no longer employed by Cheese Bus, Inc. The instant our office was made aware of the District Attorney’s allegations, we removed the individual in question from all bus routes and from any contact with our passengers. We have fully cooperated with local law enforcement and remain at the ready should local authorities request further assistance.”

Ongoing Investigation into Negligent Security on High School Bus

The case against Giovanny Campos is currently under investigation, and the legal proceedings will continue as the court evaluates the evidence and testimonies presented. The prosecution aims to ensure justice for the victim and hold the accused accountable for his alleged actions.

Filing Civil Lawsuits For Sexual Assault By a High School Bus Driver

In an exclusive interview with child abuse lawyer Laurence Banville, we take a deeper look into the topic of seeking justice through civil lawsuits against negligent schools and transportation companies. As survivors and their families face the devastating aftermath of sexual abuse, understanding their legal options becomes crucial. Mr. Banville provides valuable insights into the process, highlighting the importance of holding institutions accountable and advocating for the rights of survivors. Discover how civil lawsuits can provide a path to justice and healing for those affected by abuse on a school bus.

Legal Examiner (LE): Mr. Banville, thank you for joining us.

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): Thank you for having me. It’s vital to shed light on this important topic and provide guidance to sexual abuse survivors and their families.

LE: Absolutely. In light of the recent bus driver indictment we just reported, what options do child abuse survivors and their families have in seeking justice through civil lawsuits?

LB: When survivors of sexual assault, especially minors, have experienced abuse on school buses or within the school system, civil lawsuits can be an avenue for seeking justice. These lawsuits hold negligent schools and transportation companies accountable for their failure to protect the students entrusted to their care.

LE: Could you elaborate on how these civil lawsuits work and what survivors and their families can expect?

LB: Certainly. In civil lawsuits, survivors and their families can pursue compensation for the physical, emotional, and psychological harm caused by the abuse. They may be entitled to damages for medical expenses, therapy costs, pain and suffering, and other losses resulting from the trauma they endured.

LE: How can survivors and their families determine the liability of schools and transportation companies in these cases?

LB: Establishing liability involves a careful examination of the circumstances surrounding the abuse. It requires gathering evidence to prove that the school or transportation company failed to uphold their duty of care, such as inadequate background checks, improper training, or insufficient supervision. Additionally, demonstrating a pattern of negligence within the institution may strengthen the case.

LE: What advice would you offer to survivors and their families who are considering taking legal action?

LB: First and foremost, it’s crucial to prioritize the survivor’s well-being. Seek professional support from therapists and counselors specializing in trauma. Secondly, consult with an experienced sexual assault attorney who can guide you through the legal process and advocate for your rights. They can help gather evidence, navigate complex legal procedures, and ensure that your voice is heard.

LE: Are there any time limitations or deadlines that survivors and their families should be aware of when pursuing civil lawsuits?

LB: Yes, time limitations, known as statutes of limitations, vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the case. It’s crucial to consult an attorney promptly to understand the specific deadline applicable to your situation. However, survivors of child abuse often have extended timeframes that allow them to pursue legal action well into adulthood.

LE: Thank you, Mr. Banville, for sharing your insights and shedding light on this important topic. We hope this information will empower survivors and their families to seek justice and find closure.

LB: Thank you for having me. It’s vital to raise awareness and support survivors on their journey towards justice and healing.

Fighting for Justice for Survivors of Child Sexual Assault

If you or someone you know has been a victim of abuse in educational settings or on a school bus, don’t hesitate to seek help and explore your legal options. Contact us today to be matched with a trusted attorney like Laurence Banville for a free consultation. Remember, you have the right to justice and support on your journey towards healing and recovery.

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