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Buckeye, AZ – Buckeye police have arrested a local teacher on charges of sexual exploitation of a minor and sexual conduct with a minor. The arrest comes after the teacher’s husband reported finding handwritten letters from a teenage student hidden in the teacher’s drawer. Alyssa Todd was a teacher and athletic coach at Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies High School located at 1495 S Verrado Way, Buckeye, AZ 85326.

OIAIS High School Teacher Accused of Ongoing Sexual Relationship With Student

According to court records, investigators reviewed communications between the teacher and student and concluded that the alleged abuse had occurred on and off campus for at least two months. During a forensic interview, the teenager claimed the teacher told him she “loved him” and she “would leave her husband” for him. The child further disclosed that the teacher would buy him gifts and pick him up in her car to engage in inappropriate conduct.

Teacher Terminated After Sexual Abuse Allegations Arise

The teacher, identified as 23-year-old Todd, has been terminated from her position at Odyssey Family of Schools. Todd is currently being held on a $75,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in court on Wednesday.

Third Buckeye Teacher Arrested for Child Sex Crimes

This is the third alleged “female sexual predator” with ties to local schools arrested in Buckeye within the last year, with two of the previous arrests also involving teachers at Odyssey Institute for Advanced and International Studies High School.

“Sexual predators come in all shapes and sizes,” said Buckeye Police Public Information Officer Carissa Planalp. “It is imperative for parents and guardians to know who their kids are communicating with, know who is in their child’s life.”

Planalp also noted that while the series of similar arrests is concerning, it is a positive sign that these crimes are not going unreported. “Any time you have a series of arrests that seem awfully similar in nature, you tend to think maybe there’s an issue, but on the flip side of that, is that you have individuals who are coming forward with that information.”

Holding Schools Accountable and Protecting Students from Teacher Misconduct

In the aftermath of the disturbing allegations against the Arizona teacher accused of sexual misconduct with a student, we sat down with Kevin Biniazan, an experienced Arizona sexual abuse lawyer, to discuss the legal rights and options available for victims in these types of cases. With experience in this field, Biniazan provided valuable information on how survivors can seek compensation and hold negligent parties, including school districts, responsible for failing to safeguard students from harm.

Laurence Banville, Esq. (LB): Thank you for joining us, Mr. Biniazan. As an experienced sexual abuse lawyer in Arizona, what legal options are available for victims of teacher misconduct like the case we’ve reported on?

Kevin Biniazan, Esq. (KB): In situations where a teacher is arrested for sexually abusing a student, victims have the right to pursue civil claims against not only the perpetrator but also the school district and any other negligent parties. Schools have a duty to protect students from harm, and when they fail to do so, they can be held accountable.

LB: Can you elaborate on the types of claims victims may have in a case like this?

KB: Absolutely. Victims may be able to file claims for sexual assault, sexual battery, intentional infliction of emotional distress, and negligent supervision or retention of the teacher. The school district could be liable if they failed to vet the teacher properly, report suspicious behavior, or for allowing the abuse to continue.

LB: And what kind of damages could victims seek to recover?

KB: Victims may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, therapy costs, lost wages, pain and suffering, and punitive damages in egregious cases. The goal is to help survivors get the resources they need to heal and hold all responsible parties accountable.

LB: That’s very helpful, Mr. Biniazan. Is there anything else you’d like to add for our readers about protecting students from teacher misconduct?

KB: The most important thing is for parents, students, and school staff to remain vigilant and report any suspicious behavior immediately. Schools must prioritize student safety above all else. With the right legal action, we can work to prevent these types of horrific abuses from happening in the future.

Seeking Justice and Support for Survivors Sexually Abused By a Teacher

If you or a loved one have been the victim of sexual abuse by a teacher or other school employee, it’s important to know that you have rights and options for seeking accountability and compensation. Our team of experienced sexual abuse lawyers is dedicated to fighting for the rights of survivors and helping them recover what they are owed. We encourage you to reach out to us for a free, confidential consultation to discuss your case and learn more about the legal remedies available. With the right legal representation, you can not only find healing, but work to prevent these types of abuses from happening to others in the future. Don’t hesitate to contact us – we’re here to help.


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